All abstracts must be at most 250 words. The abstract is written on a single column A4 page. Margins on right-left must be 4 cm each and on the top-bottom 5 cm each (the full text should have dimensions very close to 13X19 cm vertical with full justification). The language to be used is English.

The typeset must be TIMES NEW ROMAN. The title must be centered between the margins using TIMES 14-point type, CAPITALS, BOLD SINGLE SPACE. Leave one blank line and then type the author(s) name(s) using TIMES 12pt, BOLD. Underline the name of the presenting author. Directly below type the affiliation, address and email for each author using TIMES 10pt. Use asterisks (*, **, ***) to correspond the name to his/her address.

Leave four blank lines after the affiliation and address and type the work ABSTRACT using TIMES 12pt, CAPITALS, BOND, CENTRED. Leave one blank line and type the abstract using TIMES 11pt, SINGLE SPACING.

PLEASE SEND a copy of your abstract by email attachment in MS Word for Windows (PC Version) to Presented papers will be reviewed and invited to publication in the electronic proceedings of the conference to be published after the conference.

The CAREER-EU 2025 will consist of several workshops and sessions, covering multiple themes. The official language of the Congress is English.

Deadline: 11 May 2025

If you are interested to submit a presentation, workshop or session in one of the themes below, please send us your abstract at, following the instruction for preparation abstracts.

The main themes of the Congress include:

  • Erasmus+ 2021-2027
  • Erasmus+ & Pandemic
  • Erasmus+ Programme
  • Quality of Erasmus Activities
  • Erasmus University Charter
  • Continuing Education
  • Skills Certification
  • ECTS – European Credit Transfer System
  • DS – Diploma Supplement
  • Student Mobility for Studies and Placements
  • Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training
  • OS – Organisational Support
  • OLS – Organization of Language Support
  • Erasmus+ International
  • Refugees Mobility and Support
  • Erasmus Staff Weeks
  • Three Cycle Educational System
  • Funding and Policy
  • Students and Teachers with disabilities
  • Linguistic Preparation
  • ICT Support Systems
  • Joint and Double Degrees
  • Erasmus Mobility and Life
  • Professional Integration
  • Student and Teacher Accommodation
  • Mobility and Career
  • Mobility and Recruitment
  • Mentoring Programmes
  • Agreements between Institutions and Enterprises
  • University and Enterprises Cooperation
  • EU 2030 Strategy
  • Adult Education
  • Erasmus Good Practices
  • The social dimension of Erasmus
  • Employability
  • Erasmus Mundus
  • Mobility of Researchers
  • EU and Non EU University cooperation
  • Academic Innovation
  • Student Internships
  • New skills for new jobs
  • Erasmus on the Cloud
  • Erasmus Virtual Exchange
  • Internationalization
  • Erasmus Coordinator’s Professional Career

Organizing a workshop or roundtable discussion?

If you propose a workshop or roundtable then indicate before the title the word “workshop” or “roundtable” and describe your abstract appropriately.

Organizing a session?

For organizing a Session, please send us your proposal to with an abstract for the Session and your full contacts. Approved Sessions will be published and participants will be contacting the chair of the Session for acceptance.

For any questions about the call for abstracts, please send us an email at


All papers must be at most TEN PAGES long including the references, the tables and the figures. Each page must be a single column A4 page. Margins on right-left must be 4 cm each and on top-bottom 5 cm each (the full text should have dimensions very close to 13X19 cm vertical with full justification). The language to be used is English.

The typeset must be TIMES NEW ROMAN. The title must be centred between the margins using TIMES 14-point type, CAPITALS, BOLD SINGLE SPACE. Leave one blank line and then type the author(s) name(s) using TIMES 12 pt, BOLD. Underline the name of the presenting author. Directly below type the affiliation, address and email for each author using TIMES 10 pt. Use asterisks (*, **, ***) to correspond the name to his/her address.

Leave four blank lines after the affiliation and address and type the word ABSTRACT using TIMES 12 pt, CAPITALS, BOLD, CENTRED. Leave one blank line and type the abstract using TIMES 11 pt, ITALICS, SINGLE SPACING (maximum ten lines). (An abstract in your own language may be included at the end of your paper or in another widely used European language).

Leave four blank lines after the abstract and begin to type the main text of your paper using TIMES 11 pt, SINGLE SPACING. For sub-titles of sections or paragraphs within your paper use TIMES 12 pt, CAPITALS, BOLD. The sub-titles and the text are separated by one blank line.

The list of references must be placed at the end of the text. Please use the following format:
Author name(s), Title of paper or book, Volume and pages or Publishing company, (year).

Please send a copy of your paper by email to The paper must be in MS WORD for Windows(PC version) format. The EACG Management Board will approve all papers to be published in electronic proceedings.

Full papers will be accepted to be publish in the electronic proceedings of the conference provided they are submitted by Monday, 8th September 2025.